HER Academy and Olive are partnering to bring you our third HERO Code Camp, expanded to include girls in grades 3 – 12. Choose one of six virtual classes.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Sunday, February 27, 2022
*To meet the needs of younger coders, Building Games with Scratch will only meet for 1 class session per day. Please see that schedule below in the class description.
Due to a record number of sign-ups, we have had to close registration for Building Games with Scratch (grades 3-5). We recommend students signing up for the remaining classes be in 5th grade or higher.
(Grades 3 – 5) In this workshop, your daughter will develop strategic thinking in computer science by working through challenges to build persistence and confidence. She will learn about the design process, use creativity, and learn to use block-based code (e.g. Scratch) to build a video game. To meet the needs of younger coders, this session will only meet for two class sessions.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Technologies to be learned
Learn the basics of HTML and CSS.
Technologies to be learned
Coding is creating! Build your chat bot by learning python basics, tricks, and helpful hints to help you create something completely your own. You will also see advanced examples of how to incorporate randomness and machine learning to add fun, adventure, and endless conversations.
Technologies to be learned
Learn how to generate, modify, and analyze images (using a programming language). Generate images randomly, programmatically, and from existing data (like sound files – .mp3). Modify images for artistic purposes and analyze them to answer questions (such as “what colors occur most often?” and “how many times does a certain pattern occur?”).
Technologies to be learned
Learn how the internet works at various levels by creating several Magic 8-ball applications. Each application will use a different level of the internet stack to achieve the goal of replying to a question asked with an answer from a Magic 8-ball.
Software Requirements:
Technologies to be learned
This tutorial may be helpful.