Prep: Establish group stations
Place large number labels (1-5) in different areas of the room.
Step 1: Divide students
Divide students into groups of 5-6. Distribute printed out “Chromebook Care” cards to each group, making sure each group has all five cards represented.
Step 2: Expert groups
Have students go to the area that matches the number on their card. Give them two minutes to read their card and figure out what they want to tell the rest of the class about the aspect of Chromebook care that their area covers. Walk around to each group while they’re discussing their cards and make sure they understand the information they will need to convey.
Step 3: Presentations
Have expert groups take turns coming to the front and teaching the big idea from their card to their class.
Step 4: Explain charging lights
Once all groups have presented, show students where they can charge their computers. Point out the light that indicates the Chromebook is charging. They need to make sure that light comes on whenever they charge their computer.